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Safer Walsall Partnership is the strategic partnership with responsibility for addressing crime, disorder and drug and alcohol misuse within the borough of Walsall.  It is made up of a number of partner organisations such as Walsall Council, West Midlands Police, West Midlands Fire Service, the Probation Service, Black Country Integrated Care Board (Health) and Walsall Housing Group.  It also includes representatives from other key organisations including education and the Police and Crime Commissioner. 


The role of Safer Walsall Partnership is to coordinate activity across the borough to improve community safety and reassurance, reduce crime, anti-social behaviour and alcohol and substance misuse. 


The partnership adopts an intelligence-led, problem-solving approach and undertakes an annual Strategic Intelligence Assessment to determine its strategic priorities.  From this, a Community Safety Plan is drawn up and the Safer Walsall Partnership Board is responsible for overseeing its delivery and for coordinating the multi-agency activity that is required to deliver against it.


For more details of our current priorities, click here

Walsall Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment

As part of the statutory duties arising out of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 there is a requirement for local areas to complete a comprehensive Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment (DANA). The DANA explores the level and as much as possible the causes of domestic abuse, identifies, risk and protective factors, gaps in service and best practice and will be integral in driving forward local services to support victims and survivors, children and young people, their families and to work with perpetrators to stop domestic abuse from happening.


Walsall’s DANA was signed off by Walsall Domestic Abuse Partnership Board in November 2023 and will be used to update the borough’s Domestic Abuse Strategy. This strategy together with the Strategic and Operational Recommendations it contains will form the basis of a multi-agency delivery plan. The plan will set out how we can help the people and communities in Walsall become free from the harm of domestic abuse and violence.

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