Latest News & Updates : New Leaflets for Sexual Violence and Abuse awareness week. Including ‘Love Shouldn't Hurt’ campaign.

Resilient Communities
To support communities to be resilient, e.g.:
To be aware of their strengths and their challenges.
Participatory and self-sustaining, with active and networked residents.
Engaged in solution-focused work to develop and deliver bespoke responses at a neighbourhood level.
Helping communities thrive through research, community led innovation, social innovation, ventures & investment.
Black Country Impact
Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm. Free training and help finding work with Black Country Impact. If you are aged 16-29 and live in the Black Country, we can: help you find a job, support you to find a college or further education course and offer free training to help develop the skills you need.
One Walsall
Open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Highlights funding opportunities & advice on support for the local communities, and young person’s community projects, all information can be found on the web links below. Volunteering opportunities are also available.
01922 654 364
Youth of Walsall
Youth forum that empowers young people 11 - 18 to hear their voice. Real Knives Real Lives - A campaign set up by Youth of Walsall to help combat knife crime.
Walsall Together
Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Walsall Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is a clinically led membership organisation set up to monitor local health Services in order to meet the needs of Walsall residents.
01922 618388
Pub Watch
Walsall Pub watch is a scheme set up with the aim to reduce crime and disorder in pubs and clubs. Supported by the police, it is a national initiative, which is proved to reduce violence and other types of criminal acts such as vandalism. The scheme works by creating links between Walsall licensees and Local Authorities and allowing information to be passed quickly between each other, Such as the identity of troublemakers. It also provides a forum where licensees can share problems and solutions.
Walsall Housing Group
Walsall housing Group is the leading supplier of housing in the Walsall Borough, WHG links into other housing providers in a joint effort to provide housing for all those requiring accommodation in and around the Walsall area, to suit their needs.
0300 555 6666
Trading Standards
Consumer Advice and Protection for residents and businesses. Trading Standards protect the interests of local consumers and businesses. We enforce consumer protection legislation by inspecting business premises, 'mystery shopping' exercises, undertaking surveys and dealing with consumer complaints. Our main functions include:
Product safety - we check and test goods to see if they comply with safety standards (for example, toys)
Quality - we check that food meets specific labelling and compositional requirements
Fair trading - we check that goods and services are described correctly (for example, second-hand cars)
Metrology - we examine and test weights, measures and equipment used by traders (for example, shop scales)
Business advice - we provide friendly, courteous, impartial advice and assistance to local businesses, please visit our trading standards pages
Restricted products – we investigate the sale of age restricted products to children and the supply illicit tobacco and alcohol.
PLEASE NOTE: This service is not for reporting crimes or incidents - to report these, please contact us via our Live Chat on our website 8am - midnight, call 101, or in an emergency, always dial 999. WMNow is a free community messaging system that delivers up to date information from police and partners direct to your inbox.
From updates on crime, to local news, appeals and safety advice, don't miss out on information that's important to you - sign up now.
If you live, work or have an interest in the West Midlands, please register now to receive information, crime alerts and witness appeals local to you. Just click on the Sign up button on the front page to sign up.
As a registered recipient you will not only benefit from two way messaging but will also hear about positive police action in your community, have the opportunity to give information to your local team or learn about community groups, events and meetings in your area.