Latest News & Updates : New Leaflets for Sexual Violence and Abuse awareness week. Including ‘Love Shouldn't Hurt’ campaign.
Hate Crime
Hate crime is any incident, which may or may not be a crime, that the victim or any other person perceives to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards any aspect of a person’s identity, based upon the victim's:
Race, Ethnicity or Nationality
Religion, faith or belief
Sexual orientation
Transgender identity
Hate crime can include verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, harassment, assault and bullying, as well as damage to property. The perpetrator can also be a friend, carer or acquaintance who exploits their relationship with the victim for financial gain or some other criminal purpose.
Walsall has seen an increase in reported hate crime and hate incidents over the last 12 months and morally we should all take responsibility to try and reduce hatred in the borough and make life better for all of our residents. This increase may well link directly to the promotion of reporting opportunities and the work of the hate crime ambassadors project. We can still do more and you can play your part in this, by supporting the hate crime research initiative, a partnership between Black Country Innovate CIC and De Montford University to try and understand the reality for victims of hate crime who have suffered or witnessed hatred because of either their race, religion or belief, their sexual orientation or their gender identity.
What we need from you is this:
To identify individuals who can complete the research questions
Seek participants to answer the survey
Targeted promotion of the research internally and externally
The information we collect from this study will be used purely for the aims outlined above; improving the services provided to victims of hate crime. The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. On completion the participants may be invited along for a follow-up interview to talk about some of the questions and your answers in more detail.
To start the questionnaire please click here.
If you have any questions about the study, then please feel free to contact Laura Paton by emailing: or
I hope that you take this opportunity to make Walsall a safer place for everyone through actively supporting this research and standing against all forms of hatred.
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